Friday, September 17, 2010

Understanding Loss

For those of you who really know me know that I have lost two very important people in the last 3 months; my Daddy and my Uncle Big Bubba. Losing someone close to you is something that you know will eventually happen but are never truly prepared for.

With my Daddy, Elden Bruce, we watched him suffer for the past few years with an ever changing mind and physical awareness due to Alzheimer's Disease. That is not something that I would wish on even my worst enemy. Seeing someone become a person that they themselves do not recognize is very hard. His passing was and is very hard to deal with but knowing that he is with God and is now of sound mind and body makes coping with the loss a little easier. You can read his obituary here.

Elden Lee Bruce
10/13/1935 – 6/11/2010

My Uncle Big Bubba, Michael Witkovski, passed away very suddenly on 9/11/2010. He was my Mom’s only sibling and we were all very close. Anyone who ever met Uncle Big Bubba will never forget him, as he was so caring and full of life. He suffered a massive heart attack on the morning of 9/11 and passed away after doctors could no longer help him. This came to a shock to all of us. I had spoken to him not even 10 hours prior and he was his normal, joking self. He made reference to a shirt of Mason’s and thought it was the funniest thing he had ever said and then proceeded to explain the joke he made – this in a nutshell was my uncle. You can read his obituary and sign his guest book here.

Michael Leo Witkovski
2/5/1946 – 9/11/2010

The purpose of this post is to reaffirm that fact that life happens and no one can ever be prepared for what God is going to put in front of you. If we all had our way, we would live eternally here on Earth and no one would ever be sick and everyone would live together in peace. However, we know that is not the case.

After my uncle passed away on Saturday, I was crying and telling Kacey how I just don’t understand why these things have to happen. I was angry at God and just wanted so badly to yell and scream and to find out why He had to take away someone that just wasn’t ready to go. Kacey said to me “This is not for us to understand”.

Those words will ring true in my heart for as long as I live. It made me realize that in times like these, more than ever, we must turn to our faith and hear the word of God.

On the way to New Orleans on Saturday to be with my family after my Uncle’s passing, one of my friends posted the Bible verse below on Facebook. There has never been a passage that has spoken to me more clearly than this one.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

I miss you dearly Daddy and Uncle Big Bubba, but I know in my heart that the two of you are having the time of your lives in Heaven will be watching over all of us until we can meet again.

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