Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mommy's Side

For those of you that don't know, Kacey is a shift worker. His schedule is 3 days, 3 nights, 3 days off. Last night was his last night and today is his first day off. He will go back to work on Friday at 5am. Try keeping up with that...

So last night, Mason and I went to bed in our respective beds. Sometime around 2am, I had a visitor come crawl in bed with me. This is almost a nightly occurrence. He comes to my side of the bed and crawls over me and gets either on Kacey's side if he is not home, or smack dab in the middle of us if he is there. Since Kacey was working last night, Mason was laying horizontally on his side of the bed when I got up at 5am to shower.

After my shower, Kacey had just gotten home and was crawling in the bed - on my side. Mason, who was dead to the world asleep, immediately woke up and told his Daddy, "Hey - that's MOMMY'S side! Get up...that's MOMMY's side!" Needless to say, he has figured out who sleeps where and has a hard time deviating from the norm.

He never went back to bed after that.

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