I really loved how they turned out! (I would love to take full credit for the cuteness but will not...you can see my inspiration for these here and here.)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Teacher Appreciation Week
I really loved how they turned out! (I would love to take full credit for the cuteness but will not...you can see my inspiration for these here and here.)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Back to Blogging...Hopefully!
This whole "I have 2 kids now" thing has really thrown me off of my game. I never imagined that adding another tiny person to our family would change it up that much. But now that we finally seem to have the hang of it (or so it seems for now), I really want to try to get back into blogging. There are so many things that we have done over the past almost year that I have not chronicled...That makes me sad.
So...here goes. I will be back this week with at least one post (hopefully more) but let's not get too ambitious to start!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sibling Love

The dialogue consists of Mason saying "Hey baby...whatchu doin?" in a very high pitched voice. Sometimes he throws in the occasional deep sigh before he speaks so he can sound like every other person that talks to her. Elizabeth responds by crossing her eyes - since Mason likes to get 1 inch from her face - and occasionally smiling or cooing back at him.
He really does love her so much and lets her know that frequently - I especially love when he squeezes her and tells her "I love you so much, baby!"
I sure do hope that this sibling love continues, but I won't get my hopes up. :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
My New Obsession...
This is my new desktop background…

Thursday, July 14, 2011
I'm Back...

Elizabeth at 2 months
Now that I am back to work, Mason is attending daycare full time at The Peanut Gallery in LaPorte. He loves it, although we did have a very rough beginning. We tried out another daycare first and that just didn't work out. He would cry even before we left the house and even told me that it was "dangerous" so I couldn't make him go back there! After switching to the Peanut Gallery, he cried for the first week but now gets so excited every morning when I tell him that he is going to school. That definitely makes it easier to come to work when I know he is having a good time and enjoying the play where he stays.

Mason and Ms. Michelle on Crazy Hat Day (Michelle was my partner teacher when I worked at that daycare after high school...She's been there 25 years!)
I also want to share that he is LOVING being a big brother. He loves his "baby sister" so much - maybe a little too much sometimes. There is nothing on this Earth that is more heartwarming than seeing your kids be so sweet to each other!
Kacey and I are doing well - adjusting to life with 2 kids. We are headed to College Station this weekend to visit with family and watch some 10U baseball. I'm excited because it is our first trip and hotel stay with our family of 4 so it will be fun. Plus we are taking Mason and Elizabeth to the TAMU campus to take some pictures so that will be fun too! And of course we will be buying them some Aggie attire so that we can begin the process...(insert evil laugh)!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Name Game
Monday, March 21, 2011
Baby Update and More...
On the baby front: We have 7 weeks until D-Day (6 weeks and 4 days, but who's counting). I am actually due on May 12, but if this little girl doesn't make her appearance on her own before then, I have a scheduled C-section at 7:30am on Friday, May 6. Believe me when I say that day couldn't come any sooner. Well, actually we are not ready for her, per say. But Momma is ready to get her out. She has a room and a bed but not much of anything else. But hey, I could totally make due if she decided to come early. Not too early - I want her to be cooked and all but 7 weeks still seems like a long time to my body these days. I am getting pretty uncomfortable and sleeping is almost non-existent at this point.
I had an ultrasound this past Friday and all looked well. I am getting one every 4 weeks due to my high blood pressure (which was normal at my last visit) because that can impact the baby's growth and make her a little on the small side. I am happy to report that this is not the case with our little girl. As of Friday, she was weighing in a 4 lbs, 13 ozs already and will probably be 8.5 lbs but delivery. The ultrasound tech also said that she is quite the hairy little thing as well. You can see on the ultrasound where she has a little white fuzzy halo on her head which indicates that she has a lot of hair for her gestational age. This is surprising since our families tend to not make very hairy babies. But if heartburn really is an indication of how much hair she will have, we might have a little Chewbacca on our hands! I am actually on prescription heartburn medicine and have been for the last 1.5 months.
And then there comes the name...For those of you that I talk to frequently, you know this is a sore subject in our house. I joke that Kacey and I might actually fight to the death on this one. Then I realize that it's not a joke and I should probably stop telling people that so I don't implicate myself on anything. :) In all truth, we really are no closer to naming this little girl than we were before we even knew she was growing in my tummy. We have gone from one side to the next and each of us have our favorites and no one is budging at this point. In fact, she did have a name for about 3 weeks until Daddy decided that he didn't like that name anymore so we are back to square one!!! We do have 2 names narrowed down right now and her middle name is for sure Leigh so I guess we are finally making some headway. I just really need her to have a name because I feel like that will cinch it all up for me and make this feel more real at last. Hopefully we can decide on something soon. Kacey wants to wait until we see her but you know that jacks with my OCD...really badly.
As for what else is going on with us...We have been really busy lately with visiting with friends and family and doing things around the house. We spent the last weekend in Columbus with family and friends and had a really good time.
Mason got to see his cousins and spend a day as a country boy (which he LOVES) so that was really good for him. He got to play outside, swim, fish, trim bushes, stack firewood, chase frogs, catch lizards, etc...all the stuff city kids don't get to enjoy that much. Here is a picture of him with his first ever catch.

I was talking to a co-worker of mine today and decided that this is a combination of a whole lot of things. He is about to turn 3 (which I heard is worse than the Terrible Twos) and I am sure that he is sensing that the baby is coming soon. Although we are not purposely treating him any different, I am sure that he is sending change in the house. Baby Sister has her own room, people are buying her things, etc. I am hoping that this is all stemming from what is going on in his environment and that things will get better soon. This seems to be the general consensus amongst friends of mine who have kids and were adding another to the family.
Ok, so this was way longer than I intended it to be. I promise to at least TRY to update more often, but no promises. :)