I hope that everyone out there had a fabulous Valentine's Day! Here are a few pictures from yesterday and the day before of Mason at school and at home with his Valentine's Day gifts.

I am not real sure when he became a big kid but I am fine with time slowing down a bit.
We were cleaning out the garage this weekend and I was going thru some of Mason's old clothes to put into a garage sale. I ended up sitting on a bench in the garage - bawling my eyes out - and then packing up all of the clothes to put in the attic. I don't think it is ever a good time for a mother to look at old baby clothes, but especially not when you are 6 months pregnant! It seemed like every outfit that I pulled out had a story, a picture in my mind of my sweet little baby wearing those clothes. The fact that he is not so little anymore really hit me hard and I couldn't help but cry about it. A lot.
He is super funny though so that makes up for the fact that he is not so little anymore.